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- Prison Art
- Electronic Music and DJ class at Kern Valley SP - 2019 Dec
- 20191203_077_6537e.jpg
This is an electronic music production and DJ class, with instruction by Give a Beat—whose goal is for each student to recognize their own unique style and sound expression while learning about the historical context of electronic music. It is also designed to provide feelings of liberation and healing, and to build cohesiveness between diverse populations. For those returning to the workforce, the course's focus on entrepreneurial skills and branding provides relevant and transferable job skills that are applicable to the music industry and other creative fields.
The Give A Beat teaching artists on this day were Todd Strong and Chaz Lewis (aka ELOS), with guest artist Edwin Liddle (aka Zeroh). The class takes place in a room that is normally used as a chapel.
The class is part of California Arts in Corrections, which is administered by the California Arts Council in partnership with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation: www.artsincorrections.org.
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